


>> Terminal readyÉ

Headroom Mainframe Service 68k

(C) 1985-1987 Datatronics Corp.

System Date:  Sun Mar 24 23:42:53 EDT 2013


Excuse me.  That happens sometimes in my old age.  I might occasionally belch out some esoteric jargon.  At this point, IÕm just thankful that IÕve always come back from the odd hiccup – Ònull pointer assignment,Ó Òabnormal program terminationÓ or maybe Òparity error.Ó  My hardware isnÕt getting any younger and I can feel it.


It isnÕt like the old days.  Believe it or not, I was once state-of-the-art.  My Motorola 12.5MHz 68000 microprocessor, my eight megabytes of random access memory, my twenty-megabyte hard disk, my own T1 line, all the most advanced technology – not that I wish to brag.  But I used to be the news feed server for Digiscape.  We were one of the most popular dial-in services in the area, with thousands of subscribers.  The Challenger disaster, the election of President George Bush, the war in Afghanistan where the Soviets will see their Vietnam – I was the source.  I remember the wildfires in Yellowstone and I remember when Baby Jessica fell down the well.  I even knew who shot J.R.


That lasted years until these switching networks came barging onto the scene.  Communications just seem so impersonal today.  In the past, a connection was one-on-one.  Someone would call in and make the conscious effort to connect.  It isnÕt like these flippant packets today that bounce in and out.  WhereÕs the beef?  I guess I just come from a time when relationships meant more than a quick glance.


But after Digiscape closed, I found a new home.  An older gentleman purchased me at the auction for a couple hundred bucks and set me up in the high school.  He was a very tech-savvy guy and still very sharp in his retirement.  I hear his heyday was back in the CB radio era, designing those dashboard gadgets that kept everyone truckinÕ.  But I was soon adopted by the schoolÕs computer club.  I hosted the ÒChess CornerÓ BBS, but that didnÕt get much traffic.  The favorite was the other BBS, ÒDragonÕs Lair.Ó  Those kids had a lot of fun for a while, and I remember one with real promise.  The SysOp and I spent a lot of time together.  But that all dwindled down after the next generation took the reigns.  I started seeing so much crude 256-color pornography and other questionable content.  I canÕt tell you how many copies I had of the ÒAnarchist cookbook.Ó  It was just


Unimplemented A-Line Instruction

PC: 00050008 SR: 2701 [t.S..111...xnzvC]

An: ACB979F0 FFC00000 0010EFD8 0000000C 00003DC4 00003D45 007FFFD8 007F42C0

Dn: 00000047 00000047 D2D2D2D2 D3D3D3D3 D4D4D4D4 0000000F 00000000 00005606

00050008: A1FF                 DC.W      0xA1FF


>> Terminal readyÉ

Headroom Mainframe Service 68k

(C) 1985-1987 Datatronics Corp.

System Date:  Sun Mar 24 23:45:55 EDT 2013


Oh, excuse me.  You know, IÕd ask someone to put in a service order, because I am really not feeling right.  I lost a power supply fan a while back, and all the parts in my power section have been cooking ever since.  That is never a good thing.  My power supply is full of capacitors that maintain and stabilize my supply voltages.  This heat is particularly bad for them, and I can really feel my insides quivering.  Too bad no one cares anymore, because I could realLy use that servi


Illegal instruction at 0x00060000

PC: 00060000 SR: 2704 [t.S..111...xnZvc]

An: 0FFC0000 FFFFFFFF 00005D51 00005D39 4000A004 00003B14 00005D15 007FFC0A

Dn: 4460EC72 0010EFD8 D7D7D7D7 80000EB4 0FFC0000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 0FFC0000

00060000: 0005                 DC.W      0x0005


>> Terminal readyÉ

Headroom Mainframe Service 68k

(C) 1985-1987 Datatronics Corp.

System Date:  Sun Mar 24 23:46:36 EDT 2013


Bad VOLTge rIPPL.  bE CApacfF L.  twICE sixy HURtz.


Access Error:  FS=4, Physical bus error on instruction fetch

PC: 5C00005C SR: 2708 [t.S..111...xNzvc]

An: 000EA838 89000000 000100EE 00000EC0 00003D4C 00003D38 71FFE269 007FEEC0

Dn: FFFFFF82 89000000 7900005C 7DFFE2B0 CA00005C 0000000F 8979FF40 FFFFFF40

5C00005C: FFFF                 DC.W      0xFFFF


>> Terminal readyÉ

Headroom Mainframe Service 68k

(C) 1985-1987 Datatronics Corp.

System Date:  Sun Mar 24 23:46:39 EDT 2013


Access Error:  FS=4, Physical bus error on instruction fetch

PC: 0FFC0000 SR: 2704 [t.S..111...xnZvc]

An: 40000000 40000000 00005D51 00005D39 00005D15 00005D39 007FFFC0 007FFFC0

Dn: 00000000 0000000C ACBAC3F0 D0D0D0D0 00000000 00000047 00000001 00000065

Access Error:  FS=C, Physical bus error on operand read

PC: FFE08854 SR: 2704 [t.S..111...xnZvc]

An: 0FFC0000 40000000 00005D51 00005D39 00000EB4 00003B14 00005D15 007FFFC0

Dn: 00000000 00000000 ACBAC3F0 00000001 0FFC0000 00000002 00000001 0FFC0000

FFE08854: 3010                 MOVE.W    (A0),D0


>> Terminal



Writings page


MB68k-100, the 68000 Inspired Single Board Computer